Wealth and Want
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Index to the Documents

note: "documents" on this website refers to the collection of 200+ Georgist documents, including the 25 or so designated as "essential documents." As time goes on, other kinds of studies and articles will also appear on the website, in other categories.

Unless you know what you're looking for, you may prefer to use the index of themes

This listing is alphabetical, by author:

Eminent Domain and Government Giveaways — Wyn Achenbaum
Slavery — A. J. O. (believed to be Mark Twain) [Essential Document]
Some Background on the Robert Schalkenbach Foundation — Pat Aller
From Wasteland to Promised Land:
Liberation Theology for a Post-Marxist World — Robert V. Andelson and James M. Dawsey; synopsis by Lindy Davies
Henry George and the Reconstruction of Capitalism — Robert V. Andelson
The Earth is the Lord's!
Robert V. Andelson

Property Tax -- Cause of Unemployment — Herbert J. G. Bab
Capitalism 3.0 — Peter Barnes

Equity in Assessment Practices — Bill Batt
Property Tax Relief Measures: Answers to the "Poor Widow " Argumentpdf version —Bill Batt
Two Property Tax Relief Measures: Land Value Taxation to Stabilize and Deferral as Provisional Tax Reliefpdf version — Bill Batt
Property Tax Commission White Paper, for the NYS Commission on Real Property Tax Reliefpdf version — Bill Batt
Comments on the Middle Class STAR Rebate Program, to the Assembly Standing Committee on Real Property Taxation — Bill Batt
Comment on Parts of the NYS Legislative Tax Study Commission's 1985 study: “Who Pays New York Taxes? — a 2007 retrospective on a 1985 study — Bill Batt
Solution to School Finance Equity Dilemma in NY State: A Response to the Court of Appeals Decision to Provide about $4 – 6 Billion to the Underfunded School Systems — Bill Batt
Explaining the Virtues of a Land Value Tax for Those Who Never Had Economics 101pdf version — Bill Batt
Generational Equity in Housing: Property Tax Considerationspdf version — Bill Batt
On the Futility of a Tax Cappdf version — Bill Batt
A Sound Property Tax Solution — Bill Batt
Painless Taxation — Bill Batt
Testimony before Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Rules Hearing — Bill Batt
Saving the Commons in an Age of Plunderpdf version — Bill Batt
Stemming Sprawl: The Fiscal Approach — Bill Batt
Who Says Cities are Poor? They Just Don't Know How to Tax Their Wealth! — Bill Batt
The Fallacy of the "Three-Legged Stool" Metaphor Bill Batt
Fallacies of the Slippery Slope Argument Bill Batt
The Compatibility of Georgist Economics and Ecological Economics Bill Batt
How Our Towns Got That Way Bill Batt
How the Railroads Got Us on the Wrong Economic Track Bill Batt
The Merits of Site Value Taxation Bill Batt
The Nexus of Transportation, Economic Rent, and Land Use Bill Batt
Water and Privatization Bill Batt
The Three Keys to Containing Sprawl — Hanno Beck
Bathroom Policy — Hanno Beck
What The "Polluter Pays" Principle Implies — Hanno Beck
The Up-To-Date Primer: A First Book of Lessons for Little Political Economists, In Words of One Syllable — J. W. Bengough
On True Political Economy (The Whole-Hog Book) — J. W. Bengough

Preface to Significant Paragraphs from Progress & Poverty Harry Gunnison Brown
Abraham Lincoln and the Men of His Time — Robert H. Browne
Henry George and the Single-Tax —William F. Buckley, Jr.
Home, Dear Home — William F. Buckley, Jr.
Proposition 13 and the Wall Street Journal — Warren F. Buffett

My Introduction to Henry George — Marjorie Carter
A Clarion Call to Sanity, to Honesty, to Justice — Weld Carter
An Introduction to Henry George— Weld Carter
Land Price as a Cause of Poverty — Winston Churchill
Churchill's Radical Decade
The People's Land — excerpt from The People's Rights — Winston Churchill
review of The People's Rights
Geoism and the Practice of Public Economics — Edward H. Clarke
The Great Adventure — S. James Clarkson
Unemployment and Our Revenue Problem — John Sturgis Codman
Uncivilized — Edmund Vance Cooke
22 — Steven B. Cord
The Printer and the Riddle — Joseph Cottler
Geolibertarianism in Rhyme — John Cowan

How to Abolish Unfair Taxation — Clarence Darrow
The Land Belongs to the People — Clarence Darrow

A Catechism of Natural Taxation, from Principles of Natural Taxation (1917) — Charles B. Fillebrown

Eighteen Fallacies — Mason Gaffney
Privatizing Land Without Giveaway Mason Gaffney
The Partiality of Indexing Capital Gains — Mason Gaffney
Property Tax: Biases and Reforms — Mason Gaffney
The Property Tax is a Progressive Tax — Mason Gaffney
The Relationship Between Property Taxation and the Concentration of Farm Land Ownership — Mason Gaffney

Taxation of Interjurisdictional E-Commerce Mason Gaffney
The Taxable Surplus of Land: Measuring, Guarding and Gathering It
— Mason Gaffney
Unearned increments and reality in California's recall election
— Mason Gaffney
What happens when a state radically slashes its property tax?
— Mason Gaffney
Who Owns Southern California?
— Mason Gaffney  

Significant Paragraphs from Progress & Poverty — Henry George (1928 abridgement by Harry Gunnison Brown)| PDF
Social Problems: a book of essays — Henry George (1883)
Gems From George (a/k/a The Economics and Philosophy of Henry George, 1839-1897: Being Memorable Passages from his Writings and Addresses).
Causes of Business Depression Henry George
The Common Sense of Taxation (1881) — Henry George
The Condition of Labor (pdf) (html) — Henry George
The Labor Question ( full page pdf - 21 pages) (bookletized pdf - 32 pages, 8 sheets) — Henry George
The Crime of Poverty Henry George
The Great Debate: The Single Tax versus Social Democracy — Which will most benefit the people? Henry George and H. M. Hyndman
Thy Kingdom Come — Henry George
Thou Shalt Not Steal — Henry George
This World is the Creation of God — Henry George
How to Help the Unemployed — Henry George
The Irish Land Question — Henry George
Justice the Object — Taxation the Means — Henry George
The Law of Rent — Henry George
Moses — Apostle of Freedom — Henry George
Ode to Liberty — Henry George
The Single Tax: What It Is and Why We Urge It — Henry George
The Land for the People — Henry George
What the Railroad Will Bring Us — Henry George
Why The Landowner Cannot Shift The Tax on Land Values — Henry George
The Wages of Labor — Henry George
Songs of the Great Adventure — poetry of Luke North (James Hartness Griffes)
Explaining Rent — Everett Gross, and others
Estimating Land Values Ted Gwartney
A Free Market Strategy to Reduce Sprawl Ted Gwartney

Ethical Land Tenure — Alanna Hartzok
Real Estate and the Capital Gains Debate — Michael Hudson and Kris Feder
The Lies of the Land: How and why land gets undervalued — Michael Hudson

A Lay Sermon —Robert Green Ingersoll

A Synopsis of Henry George's Progress & Poverty— Al Katzenberger
Why a landlord can not just pass on the cost of LVT to the renter Bryan Kavanagh
The Rev. James Huntington and Henry George's ideas — James Kiefer

Preface to Ogilvie’s Essay on The Right of Property in Land — D.C. MacDonald
The Ambulance Down in the Valley Joseph Malins
Licenses to Steal are Expensive: Speculation in Commercial Radio Broadcast Privileges in the United States — Chuck Metalitz

Henry George: Unorthodox American — Albert Jay Nock
Songs of the Great Adventure — poetry of Luke North (pen name for James Hartness Griffes)
Back to the Land — Most Rev. Dr Thomas Nulty

An Essay on the Right of Property in LandWilliam Ogilvie (edited by Peter Gibb)

Agrarian Justice — Thomas Paine 
Outlines of Louis F. Post's Lectures, with Illustrative Notes and Charts (1894) — Louis F. Post
Seeing the Cat — Louis F. Post
House & Home Magazine issue on Land — Perry Prentice

Proving Title author unknown

Theodore Roosevelt and the Single Tax
Not a Single Tax! — Charles T. Root
The Fruits of the Earth — Rousseau
Wrong Diagnosis Underlies Post's Pessimism on Smart Growth Walter Rybeck
Combating Modern-day Feudalism: Land as God’s Gift Walter Rybeck and Ronald Pasquariello
Have We Forgotten The Foundation? — Walter Rybeck
The Uncertain Future of the Metropolis — Walt Rybeck

What Affordable Housing Problem? — Walter Rybeck

An Address delivered upon the 100th anniversary of the birth of HENRY GEORGE — the Hon. Samuel Seabury
The Consequences of Land Speculation are Tenantry and Debt on the Farms, and Slums and Luxury in the Cities — Upton Sinclair
What To Do About the Real Estate Bubble: After the Housing Bubble Bursts, Fix It! — Jeffery Johnson Smith
Sharing Natural Rents to Sustain Human Society — Jeffery J. Smith
Leaking Economic Value of Communities — Jeffery J. Smith
What the Left Must Do: Share the Surplus — Jeff Smith
How Sharing Earth Brought Peace Jeffery Smith
Planning by Markets — Jeffery J. Smith
Subsidies At Their Worst: Privileges Jeffery Smith
Giving Life to the Property Tax Shift (PTS) Jeffery J. Smith and Kris Nelson
The Property Tax Shift
Q&A — Jeff Smith
How Profit Shapes Urban Space
— Jeff Smith
Share Rent, Transform Society: Jeff Smith's remarks at Who Owns America? II
Joseph Stiglitz: 2002 Interview Joseph Stiglitz and Christopher Williams
The Political Economy of Land: Putting Henry George in His Place
Frank Stilwell and Kirrily Jordan
Are you a Real Libertarian, or a ROYAL Libertarian?
Dan Sullivan

Bill of Economic Rights and Obligations Nic Tideman
Applications of Land Value Taxation to Problems of Environmental Protection, Congestion, Efficient Resource Use, Population, and Economic Growth
— Nicolaus Tideman
Being Just While Conceptions of Justice are Changing: 7 Cases T. Nicolaus Tideman
The Ethics of Coercion in Public Finance — Nicolaus Tideman
Coercion Decision Tree
The Case for Taxing Land — Nicolaus Tideman
Farm Land Rent and the Renewal of Rural Society: The Self-Financing Model — Nicolaus Tideman
Global Economic Justice followed by Creating Global Economic Justice — Nicolaus Tideman
Basic Principles of Geonomics — Nicolaus Tideman
The Political Economy of the Gospels — Nicolaus Tideman
Improving Efficiency and Preventing Exploitation in Taxing and Spending Decisions — Nicolaus Tideman
The Interaction of Moral and Economic Approaches to Ecological Protection — Nicolaus Tideman
Land Taxation and Efficient Land Speculation — Nicolaus Tideman
Market-Based Systems for Assigning Rental Value to Land — Nicolaus Tideman
The Constitutional Conflict Between Protecting Expectations and Moral Evolution — Nicolaus Tideman
The Morality of Taxation: The Local Case — Nicolaus Tideman
The Political Economy of Moral Evolution — Nicolaus Tideman
Peace, Justice, and Economic Reform — Nicolaus Tideman
Private Possession as an Alternative to Rental and Private Ownership for Agricultural Land — Nicolaus Tideman
Revenue Sharing under Land Value Taxation — Nicolaus Tideman
Comments on the NTIA's Comprehensive Policy Review of Use and Management of the Radio Frequency Spectrum — Nicolaus Tideman
The Structure of an Inquiry into the Attractiveness of A Social Order Inspired by the Ideas of Henry George — Nicolaus Tideman
The Case for Site Value Rating — Nicolaus Tideman
Basic Tenets of the Incentive Taxation Philosophy — Nicolaus Tideman
Using Tax Policy to Promote Urban Growth — Nicolaus Tideman
The Shape of a World Inspired by Henry George — Nicolaus Tideman
Leo Tolstoy
Committee on Taxation, Resources and Economic Development: summaries of 12 books
— Mark Twain
Slavery — A.J.O [likely Mark Twain]



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Wealth and Want
... because democracy alone hasn't yet led to a society in which all can prosper