Wealth and Want
... because democracy alone is not enough to produce widely shared prosperity.
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Want and Wealth: The Essential Documents

These documents are a good starting point. Read them in whatever order works for you. (If you start with a theme you're interested in, you'll find excerpts from these and other articles that pertain to that theme, and on the right side of each theme page, you'll find a list of the Essential Documents that pertain to that theme.) If you want a clean copy to print out or share with someone, choose the PDF version.

Peace, Justice and Economic Reform — Nic Tideman • PDF version
Thou Shalt Not Steal — Henry George • PDF version
Thy Kingdom Come — Henry George • PDF version
The Earth is the Lord's — Robert Andelson • PDF version
Henry George and the Reconstruction of Capitalism — Robert Andelson • PDF version

From Wasteland to Promised Land (synopsis) — Robert Andelson and James Dawsey • PDF version
The People's Land — Winston Churchill • PDF version
Land Price as a Cause of Poverty — Winston Churchill • PDF version
Are You a Real Libertarian, or a Royal Libertarian? — Dan Sullivan • PDF version
Real Estate and the Capital Gains Debate — Michael Hudson and Kris Feder

For Want of a Landlord: A Thanksgiving Parable — Mason Gaffney • PDF version
True Christianity and My Own Religious Beliefs — Joseph Fels • PDF version
Slavery — A.J.O. • PDF version
The Uncertain Future of the Metropolis — Walter Rybeck • PDF version
The Fallacy of the "Three-Legged Stool" Metaphor — Bill Batt • PDF version

Estimating Land Value — Ted Gwartney • PDF version
The Lies of the Land: How and Why Land Gets Undervalued — Michael Hudson • PDF version
How to Help the Unemployed — Henry George • PDF version
Property Tax - Cause of Unemployment — Herbert Bab • PDF version
This World is the Creation of God — Henry George • PDF version

On Earth as it is in Heaven — Mason Gaffney and others, writing about Bill Vickrey
How to Revive a Dying City — Mason Gaffney
Land and Justice — Lindy Davies
An Introduction to Henry George — Weld Carter



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Wealth and Want
... because democracy alone hasn't yet led to a society in which all can prosper