Wealth and Want
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Coercion Decision Tree
Do you engage in or endorse coercion?

No -- Pacifist (Peace Pilgrim)
Do you recognize an obligation to justify your action?

No -- Autocrat (Ivan the Terrible)

Does your justification involve claiming that you are special?
Do you claim that you are chosen?
Do you claim that you are better than others?

Does your justification involve claiming that your conception of the good is superior to that of others?
Yes --
Divine Right Monarchist
(Charles I)
Yes -- Supremacist (Hitler)
Yes -- Elitist (Lenin)
No -- You have a theory of justice

What is the most basic principle of justified coercion?

What is the most basic principle of justified coercion?

main question

answer / school of thought

secondary question

It is just to coerce people to abide by traditional rules.

Classical Conservative (Burke)

By what process does a departure from tradition acquire the respect of tradition?

It is just to coerce people to abide by what emerges from a majoritarian vote-aggregation procedure.


What role do voters play?

Disinterested judges (Condorcet) --

What criteria do the judges employ?

Self-interested advocates (Welfare Economics) --

What do you do about the endless cycles of rent-seeking?

It is just to coerce people to do their parts to achieve what maximizes the sum of utilities.

Utilitarian (Bentham)

It is just to coerce people to do their parts to promote the general welfare

Good Gestaltist (DeReuter)

It is just to coerce people to abide by the rules they would have agreed to before they knew their personal circumstances.


What would concern people in choosing rules if they did not know their personal circumstances?

The position of the least advantaged -- Maximinist (Rawls)
Their expected utility -- Utilitarian (Harsanyi)

It is just to coerce people to provide as much for others as they have themselves.


As much what?

Happiness (Roemer)
Resources (Dworkin)

It is just to coerce people to accord others the most extensive individual liberty that all can have.

Classical Liberal

People may cooperate with whom they choose to do anything that does not interfere with others. They own their bodies, and the returns to their efforts and savings

How are claims to exclusive use of natural opportunities established?

All persons have equal claims on the use of natural opportunities -- Left-Libertarian (George)
First use, the passage of time,or legal transfer of title based on these establishes ownership. -- Right-Libertarian (Rothbard)

Nicolaus Tideman.
Economics Department
Virginia Tech Blacksburg VA 24061

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Wealth and Want
... because democracy alone hasn't yet led to a society in which all can prosper