United Artists, redux

Wired News: Just Say ‘No’ to Record Labels:

“CANNES, France — Rock veterans Peter Gabriel and Brian Eno are launching a provocative new musicians’ alliance that would cut against the industry grain by letting artists sell their music online instead of only through record labels.”
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“I’m an artist who works incredibly slowly,” Gabriel said. “If some of those (songs) could be made available, you don’t have to be so trapped into this old way of being confined only by the album cycle.”

The former Genesis singer and world music promoter is interested in putting multiple versions of the same song online. He’s also looking forward to being able to hear unfinished music from other artists.

“We tend at the moment … to try to find a moment when a song is right. You stick the pin in the butterfly and put it in the box and you sell the box,” he said. “Music is actually a living thing that evolves.”

Find more here: the NPR clip is worth listening to. And there’s a reference to music-based United Artists here as well.

[Posted with ecto]