producers, not consumers, or how will you use Garageband?

TeledyN: Where have all the Listeners Gone:

“Right on, people: Make music, not war; keep on rockin’ in the freeworld!”

I haven’t read the piece he links to (go there for the link: I’m not stealing all his thunder), but the bottomline is that musical instruments sales are up in the midst of the RIAA’s sales slump.

Could it be that people are so fed up that they’d rather make their own music?

This has been one of my hopes with the emergence of broadband, increasing powerful home computers, and now sophisticated software that we would see a resurgence of creativity. There are a lot of work processing programs to crank out the Great American Novel/Play/Screenplay, weblog publishing tools and services, art and design tools, photoediting software, etc. Perhaps we’re getting to a point where we can all share our creative ideas around a softly flickering electronic campfire . . . .

[Posted with ecto]