what’s my scene?

I seem to be in the Geritol demographic. KING.ORG and KING FM

Do they even make Geritol anymore? Anyway, I listen to KING fm most of the time, since 24 hour a day classical music is not to be missed. I listen to more modern stuff in the car, but not for long.

So while I listen to KING, I get to hear lots of ads for assisted living, retirement communities, various health issues I hope to avoid for a few more years at least.

I took in one of our cars for service a week or two back, and while there picked up some car mag or other (Road & Driver, Car & Track, Clutch & Chassis) and was amused to see some columnist — might even have been the editor — bemoaning the fact that on car trips, one never heard hit songs of the kind he remembered, ones that crosses boundaries, from young to old, etc. Now, it’s all sliced and diced into little segments. Well, of course it is, and it sounded strange to hear someone who derives a living from ad-supported media struggle to understand that. By dividing up the audience into slices, you could target product and service messages more effectively. Clutch Chassis might be more the Snap-On tool/shade-tree mechanic crowd, and the ads would reflect that. Road & Driver might more of an enthusiast’s vehicle, if I may use that word, and the ads would trend toward more spendy products and services.

The days of everyone singing along with the same popular entertainment are behind us, I think, and I’m not sure we’re better off for it.