lazy thoughts

No, sorry, not the kind one has on a sunny, cloudless afternoon, but the kind based on the merest thread, but repeated as if it were fact.

I was reading a blog (a former co-worker’s) and he decided “Macs are slow” because he can’t browse the web as fast on his iMac as on an old Pentium 100 or something equally ancient.

This strikes me as claiming a brand of car is slow because you can’t find a good radio station. What does web browsing have to do with speed? There are so many factors at work here: network issues (latency, congestion), rendering problems (try the same browser on different machines or different ones on the same box and see the results), and then one can look into individual components of the box itself, like the TCP implementation, amount of memory, other applications that may be stealing cycles from the browser.

Of course the person who made the claim has been a Mac basher/Windows worshiper as long as I’ve known him, so it’s no surprise. It’s just frustrating to hear someone with CS degree make such a claim.

For the record, I think all the operating systems currently available are pretty lousy: for all the chrome and cupholder improvements we’ve seen in the past few years, the basics of reliability and consistency still get short shrift.