Wealth and Want
... because democracy alone is not enough to produce widely shared prosperity.
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Why not make more free to “the poor” the land they were born to inherit as they inherit the air to breathe and daylight to see by and water to drink?

I am aware of the academic economist’s reaction to any land question. Nevertheless, Henry George clearly enough showed us the simple basis of poverty in human society. And some organic solution of this land problem is not only needed, it is imperative.

What hope for stimulating a great architecture while land holds the improvements instead of the improvements holding the land? For an organic economic structure this is wrong end around, and all architecture is only for the landlord.

—Frank Lloyd Wright, The Disappearing City, 1932,
reprinted in “FLW Collected Writings,” Vol. 3, p. 98,
Rizzoli International Publications, NY, 1993

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Wealth and Want
... because democracy alone hasn't yet led to a society in which all can prosper