No, sorry, not the kind one has on a sunny, cloudless afternoon, but the kind based on the merest thread, but repeated as if it were fact.
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software architecture
Windows is in fact a big ball of mud
Welcome to the Microsoft Corporate Web Site
Bill Gates, co-founder and chief software architect of Microsoft, testified in person at the antitrust trial.
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turning the tables on spammers
This is funny stuff.
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a picture is not always worth a thousand words
In a previous incarnation, I did some work with network and system monitoring, and since I have a network here at my house, I continue to fiddle with this stuff.
RRDTOOL examples
network/host graphs
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invincible ignorance
click here if you’re really prepared: OBJECTIVE: Creation Education: Evolutionism Propaganda This site purports to expose the Satanic underpinnings of Apple Computer and UNIX.
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dead language studies
the appeal of casinos
I don’t get the appeal of casinos. I just experienced my first one, during our beach trip, and I can’t say I understand the allure.
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Mini mania
A house I pass each day seems to be inhabited by someone in the expensive or cool car business. There’s a Honda S2000 there most days, but I have seen a new black Ferrari there, and this week, there are (or were) two 2002 Mini Coopers.
Google Search: 2002 mini cooper
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the beach
Well, it was over too quickly. The next trip will be for a longer duration just to work around the weather.
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Dewey decimal redux
The startup that brought me to Seattle was building a system to locate documents in a repository that resembled the one currently on the user’s display (we called it “no click search” since it required no keywords or query language: we knew what you wanted). For reasons I won’t go into here, the company failed, but the idea is still pretty compelling to me.
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