my farewell address

The following is what I sent to the “all-hands” mailing list at my workplace: farewell addresses are not uncommon, but too many of them are thinly-veiled gripes. I decided not to follow that model. Of course, it helped that several of the folks I have worked with over these past few months took it upon themselves to take me to lunch and shower me with gifts and affection: it’s to them and the other folks who work hard in trying circumstances that I dedicate these sentiments.

As some of you may know, this is my last week at the University of
Washington School of Law.

This institution is fortunate to have so many capable and dedicated
people, both staff and faculty. The move to this bright new building
and the benefits of having everyone under one roof will, I hope, lead
to an even stronger, more cohesive community.

It’s been said that the secret to luck is hard work: when I look around
this building at the place and more important, the people who make it
what it is, I have to agree with that.

So my wish of good luck is really just a reminder to keep up the good
work, and I know you will.

Thanks for the privilege of working with you.