tapping into the zeitgeist

My farewell address to my workplace was very well received by faculty and staff. I expected the staff to be in agreement with some of my sentiments, but I got some kind words from faculty members I wasn’t aware even knew who I was.

And I have had a couple of folks hoping that the circumstances around my departure, indeed my leaving at all in less than a year, will serve as some kind of catalyst for change. I’m not going to indulge in anything quite that messianic, since I was hardly in a core department nor was this all that big a deal, in the grand scheme of things. I think the fact I was located at the periphery had a lot to do with the lack of structure and process in my situation.

It’s not like there’s a peasant’s revolt looming, but I wonder if this should pass unremarked? Is there something an administration committed to change could point to as the kind of behavior or institutional practice that can’t go on?