learning something new everyday

I recommend having at least one TiVo file for the rest of this to make sure things are working as you go…. You’ll need to connect over HTTPS and use the username “tivo” and your MAK as the password to do the actual downloading.

I didn’t realize I could pull recording off the TiVo without special software.

Picture 3.jpg

You can go to your TiVo in Safari and pull down videos one-by-one as well. I recommend having at least one TiVo file for the rest of this to make sure things are working as you go. Your TiVo’s address is in the network settings area on the TiVo. You’ll need to connect over HTTPS and use the username “tivo” and your MAK as the password to do the actual downloading. [From How to View TiVo Recordings on Your Mac or iPod | Mac Geekery]

But there it is. Read the rest of the article to learn how to transcode the m2v files into mp4.

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