
— Dasani bottled water is drawn directly from Lake Alatoona and the Chattahoochee River (yes, Dasani is glorified Atlanta tap water), 8.4 million gallons of it in November, and Gatorade comes from the Chattahoochie[sic] as well (the Pepsi Gatorade plant is the city’s largest water user), to the tune of over 70 million gallons per month.

…If I was the mayor, I’d want Dasani’s bottlers to pay back a little more than just their water bill.

  • Single-use plastic bottles? Check.
  • Petroleum-fueled distribution? Check.
  • Drawing down a marginal metro watershed? Check..

Don’t Live In Atlanta? You Can Still Help Make Our Drought Worse! — Dasani bottled water is drawn directly from Lake Alatoona and the Chattahoochee River (yes, Dasani is glorified Atlanta tap water), 8.4 million gallons of it in November, and Gatorade comes from the Chattahoochie[sic] as well (the Pepsi Gatorade plant is the city’s largest water user), to the tune of over 70 million gallons per month. So, buy a case of Dasani water or Gatorade, and you can deprive an Atlantan of a future shower!

[From Don’t Live In Atlanta? You Can Still Help Make Our Drought Worse!]

So the two leading purveyors of brown sugar water are poster children for externalizing costs and privatizing gains.

And Atlanta’s tap water has always been iffy. If I was the mayor, I’d want Dasani’s bottlers to pay back a little more than just their water bill.

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