quote of the day

The more independent-minded [libertarians] will occasionally come up with a liberalish or fair-minded idea or two, but this is purely for display, not for ever doing anything about if to do so would run the risk of a higher rate of capital gains tax.

…[From D-squared Digest — FOR bigger pies and shorter hours and AGAINST more or less everything else ]

The more independent-minded [libertarians] will occasionally come up with a liberalish or fair-minded idea or two, but this is purely for display, not for ever doing anything about if to do so would run the risk of a higher rate of capital gains tax.

The ideological core of Chicago-style libertarianism has two planks.

1. Vote Republican.

2. That’s it.

[From D-squared Digest — FOR bigger pies and shorter hours and AGAINST more or less everything else]


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