So there is an X-Prize with more down-to-earth goals

The Automotive X PRIZE will invite teams from around the world to focus on a single goal: design viable, clean and super-efficient cars that people want to buy.

…I’d like to see it broadened to include something more than just personal transportation, so it includes vehicles and technologies that move goods and large groups of people safely and economically.

I thought it was all about spaceships.

People love their cars. They are vital links to our jobs, our community, ourselves. For everything we love about them, cars are chained to the most severe global crises of our time: oil dependence and climate change. We aim to break this deadlock through the most radical approach to innovation yet – the X PRIZE. The Automotive X PRIZE will invite teams from around the world to focus on a single goal: design viable, clean and super-efficient cars that people want to buy. This will be a race for the ages, with major publicity and a big sack of cash waiting for the champion, and perhaps our future hanging in the balance. [From Automotive X PRIZE]

I’d like to see it broadened to include something more than just personal transportation, so it includes vehicles and technologies that move goods and large groups of people safely and economically. Some of the technology is there as are some of the needed markets, but a good catalyst to connect the two might be some kind of challenge or competition.

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