time to fill the tank?

The weakness of the dollar is one reason why oil prices are so high, as cartel members seek to compensate for their lower earnings. This means a further drop in the dollar is likely to be accompanied by a rise in oil prices.

Stop sniggering, you car-free types . . .

The weakness of the dollar is one reason why oil prices are so high, as cartel members seek to compensate for their lower earnings. This means a further drop in the dollar is likely to be accompanied by a rise in oil prices. [From Oil leaders’ private debate televised by mistake | World | The Observer]

Is there ever an upside to dealing with a cartel for a necessity like your prime source of energy? Aren’t you glad the grown-up Daddy party has been in charge for the past 6 years?


[update Nov 19] I did fill up this afternoon and the customer before me dropped US$98 on a fillup. Mine are over US$40 (only a 14 gallon tank). I can’t imagine spending US$100 on a tank of gas.

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