an idea whose time has come?

Senate Multimillionares Vote To Block Minimum Wage Hike:

After repeated delays by conservatives, the Senate voted 87-10 today to end debate on legislation that will raise the minimum wage for the first time in a decade, from $5.15 to $7.25. The bill will move to a full vote in the next several days.

Ten right-wing senators stuck together and voted to further delay raising the minimum wage:

Rep. Roy Blunt (R-MO) wants a raise.:

Backers of raising the minimum wage are blocking the annual congressional pay raise until 13 million working Americans also receive a raise. Blunt is objecting, saying the raise is “crucial for members of Congress who are not independently wealthy and must operate two households.” Members of Congress currently receive an annual salary of $165,200. The minimum wage is stuck at $5.15/hour.

Link Congressional Pay to the Minimum Wage Petition:

To: The President and Congress of the United States

Whereas, the members of the United States Congress already earn more than thirty (30) times the federally mandated minimum wage and are in a position to vote against pay raises that would otherwise be automatic;
Whereas, the opportunity to serve in the United States Congress is a privilege that should be its own reward;
We, the undersigned, propose a Constitutional Amendment linking Congressional Pay to the federal minimum wage, with Congress members to be paid no more than ten (10) times the amount of someone earning the minimum wage for a full year (or 2000 hours).

Only 87 people agree? Come on . . .

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