the [other] benefits of FreeCycling

Might be able to clear out the surfeit of this stuff I have taking up space. Coupla working monitors, older computers, stuff that could find a home elsewhere.

Most of the time, being a member of a Freecycle group – and being able to
post and respond to the zillions of OFFERs and WANTEDs here – is reward
enough. Sometimes, though, we can arrange a special benefit that’s available
only to members. This is one of those times.

For the entire month of November, FreecycleSeattle members can recycle
computers (of *any* age or type) and CRT monitors (under 5 years old,
working) for FREE at, just north of Gasworks in
Wallingford. Normally, Interconnection charges a handling fee of $5 for each
computer and $10 for monitors; these fees will be WAIVED during November if
you tell them you’re part of FreecycleSeattle. This may be your only chance
for a long time to get rid of that electronic flotsam and jetsam in your
basement and garage in a way that’s responsible *and* free.

(THE FINE PRINT: non-working or pre-2001 monitors will still be charged the
normal $10 handling fee; disposal of each printers or scanners is still $5.
Offer only good through November 30th and only during Interconnection’s
normal business hours, below.)

Interconnection is one of the best examples of e-waste re-use/recycle that
we know of. Volunteers disassemble the donated systems; usable components
are reused or resold; all other parts are crushed, sorted, and properly
Good folks.

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