blood for its own sake

This letter was in today’s letters page:

Democrats have tried to block every attempt that this administration has made to defend and protect this country They have done nothing but complain and point fingers, all the while praying for our defeat in Iraq because they believe that would somehow make them stronger as a party if the current administration were defeated in battle.

It doesn’t seem to matter to them what the consequences of their actions would be by handing the enemy a victory, apparently just to make George Bush look bad. People need to really think about what a Democratic “surrender” to Islamic terrorists would mean.
The Democrats spend more time and energy trashing their own country than working to defeat this global threat. I do believe the United States has made a huge mistake in Iraq.
I would have done things World War II style. When the uprising in Fallujah occurred, I would have leveled the city. Every living being in that rat hole would have been extinguished. I would have marched through that country like a biblical creeping death, waving the stars and stripes. I would have zero mercy or tolerance for the enemy. I would fight like I mean it, and fight to win. This war would be over and gasoline would be 29 cents a gallon.
That is why the United States was both feared and respected after World War II. We were ruthless in combat and we pulled no punches. We devastated the enemy every place we found him. We as a nation have become soft and the world knows it. We may have the best military in the world, but the politicians and left-wing nuts won’t let us use it.

My guess is the writer missed this series in the very same paper:

Three decades after an Army platoon repeatedly executed unarmed civilians and prisoners in Vietnam, a military lawyer has recommended the unit’s former commander be brought up on a war-crime charge.

I mean, you’d think he would mention it, maybe even hold it up as an example of the Way Things Should Be Done.

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