time to clean house

AMERICAblog: Because a great nation deserves the truth:

This is just that much more evidence of why there needs to be a major blood-letting in the Democratic party, and soon. Heads need to roll. ROLL. People need to lose their jobs, en masse. After 2000, no one took responsibility. After 2004, no one took responsibility. And now it’s happening again. Our wonderful party leaders are sitting back and scratching their heads wondering why the country isn’t simply running into our arms while they sit back and do nothing to earn the country’s respect and loyalty.

There needs to be a major revolution in the Democratic party. Heads need to roll, and soon.

Anyone who fails to vote against the appointment of Alito deserves no support from the party or their constituents. If the majority party is going to “govern” simply based on their majority status and complain that the minority’s refusal to rubberstamp their agenda is “obstructionist” — how come you be an obstruction when you don’t even amount to a speed bump? — I want and expect Democratic legislators of character to vote no on Alito, and no on everything else that smacks of the tyranny of the majority.

Failing that, some Democratic congressmembers need to face primary challenges this fall. There may not be enough anger to put Democrats back in the majority or even close to parity, but the incumbents are going to get us there, nor will they be effective if by some chance they did find themselves in control.

Time to move on, so to speak.

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