the missing factor in global warming?

This is a pretty shrill piece, suggesting that oil and gas extraction activities might have triggered the massive earthquake/tsunami combination in late 2004. What struck me was this passage. Living in Atlanta for 15 years[1], watching the traffic get worse and the weather get nastier, I wondered myself if miles of idling cars on blacktop for several hours a day (rush “hour” was from 6-9 AM and 4-7 PM) was driving those changes[2].

Indonesian Tsunami Probably Tripped by Exxon-Mobil Works:

Another obvious fact that is never quoted in relation to global warming is that internal combustion engines do not just give off greenhouse gases, they also give off tremendous heat – every single one of them. If you try putting your hand near the cooling-radiator or exhaust manifold of a running engine, you are going to snatch it away again quickly to prevent burns. The professors never factor this into the global-warming equations, and never mention it in the news. They mention only the gas emissions.

Think about the millions of engines giving off tremendous heat every day, some all day every day. Compound this on top of the greenhouse gases and you can see why the scientists’ and professors’ prognostications have turned out to be wrong. The ice caps are melting much faster than the “experts” first predicted, and faster than they are still wrongly predicting now.

1. Atlanta Heat Island 1972 – 1993: images
2. Atlanta’s heat island: article

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