
To follow up on the ordeal of overflowing washing machines, dead dishwashers, et al, I have ordained that there is a special circle in Hell for electricians who add circuits to existing switch panels without labeling same. And adjacent to that is another cozy spot for appliance manufacturers who ship appliances without fittings that their products require and which sell for the outlandish sum of $3.41. Yes, Frigidaire/Electrolux, I’m looking in your direction. If I need a 90° male fitting coupled with with a 3/8 inch compression fitting — hardly the kind of thing one would just have handy in the kitchen junk drawer — why not ship one? I suspect a large transnational appliance manufacturer could knock the price down even lower.

So I have a new dishwasher, after one trip to buy it and two more to buy wire nuts and the aforementioned fitting. Dishwashers are actually an easy appliance to install: they’re physically light and the connections are pretty simple to make.

And how was your weekend/Mother’s Day?

The planned dinner of grilled salmon on a bed of garlic mashed potatoes and roasted asparagus never materialized owing to the time it took to get these other projects completed. But we did enjoy a hearty dinner of linguine with your choice of of butter and cheese, marinara, or a white clam sauce, steamed brocolli, a caesar salad, and a crisp French chardonnay.

The salmon is slated for tomorrow.

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