the terrorists may not be winning, but are we?

If a watchlist was useful, why after three years hasn’t it succeeded in catching any
actual terrorists?
One can argue that it would be more effective with more data gathering, but zero times any increased factor of effectiveness is still zero. Maybe I’ve missed hearing about some actual terrorists
being caught this way; if so, somebody please point out such cases.

Rudy Giuliano’s cleanup of NYC used a similar tactic, collaring people at subway turnstiles who went through without paying their fare. Many people wanted for other, sometimes much more serious, crimes were

The difference is: going through a turnstile without paying was a crime. Last I heard, getting on an airplane after paying the airfare isn’t a crime.

If you have been to or through an airport lately and experienced the delays and general disruption as a result of the TSA’s presence, just remember that we’re safer with Cat Stevens removed from our shores.

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