who owns ‘fair and balanced?’

scribble, scribble, scribble….: Life’s rich pageant Archives: The stunning passage, to me, is this: Perhaps one of the most important insights to emerge from the computer is that 9/11 sprang not so much from al-Quaeda’s strengths as from its weaknesses. The computer did not reveal any links to Iraq or any other deep-pocketed government; amid the group’s penury the members fell to bitter infighting. The blow against the United States was meant to put an end to the internal rivalries, which are manifest in vitriolic memos between and Kabul and cells abroad.

AlterNet: MediaCulture: Fox News: Unfair and Unbalanced:

As Robert Greenwald’s film “Outfoxed” generates controversy and acclaim, AlterNet joins MoveOn.org in a major campaign to challenge Fox as a partisan news channel – a 24/7 commercial for a political party, and an insult to America’s media consumers. And we’re going to need your help to carry the battle forward.

That’s why AlterNet has established a media fund to help cover the expensive legal costs connected with this challenge to Fox, and to support the research and investigation that will further reveal Fox’s blatant bias masquerading as journalism. For a minimum of a $30 contribution to the AlterNet “Fight Fox” fund, we’ll send you a free copy of Robert Greenwald’s powerful documentary “OutFoxed.” We appreciate your support.

I don’t watch TV, much less TV news, so I only know how bad Fox is from what I hear and read (this includes people who like it as well as those who don’t: if Sean Hannity or Newt Gingrich have free rein, that’s all I need to know).

As noted in the piece at AlterNet, Fox tried to claim ownership of the phrase “fair and balanced” (is there a better example of the Big Lie[1] currently at work?) in its suit against Al Franken, but thought better of it when the judge suggested it might be indefensible.

fn1. Joseph Goebbels: some of his techniques below.
* “The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed”
* “The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly… it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”
* ” …the rank and file are usually much more primitive than we imagine. Propaganda must therefore always be essentially simple and repetitious.”

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