Santayana was right

I couldn’t settle on any one quote to pull from this: it’s all or nothing, so I recommend you read Tim’s take on this.

ongoing b7; The Language of Force

Then with that in mind, read on:
inluminent: The Video:

One of my best friends from the Army just returned from Iraq and when I asked him about what it’s like, he said: “The people over there aren’t all bad – the insurgents are animals. They only understand power. They only understand pure unadulterated power and they only respect people that show and use their power.”

Equating other people with animals was a key element of the Holocaust. A political strategy based on a morally bankrupt ideology calls to mind the leadership that brought that to pass. But it would not have gained a foothold without the ruinous peace imposed on Germany after WWI. Are we seeing a similar scenario here? Are we punishing the victims we came to liberate?