strange times when you get ripped for what you didn’t say

Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: May 09, 2004 – May 15, 2004 Archives

Josh Marshall responds to a reader who complains about not seeing any mention of the Berg execution.

If he was as regular a reader as he claims, he wouldn’t need to have it spelled out that the execution, its filming, and distribution are evil and deplorable acts. I don’t think anyone would assume that realizing one has nothing to add on a subject is the same as tacit approval of it.

At the same time, I have to wonder about these contractors and the frequent use of the phrase “there’s a war on.”

I thought “the war” ended May 1, 2003. What we have now is an occupation.

If there was a war on:

* civilian contractors would not be wandering unescorted through the war zone

* the homeland would be on a war footing, with some, even just symbolic, sacrifice: reduced driving, adjusted thermostats, food conservation, increased focus on recycling

I’m sure there are other things we could do: so far, no sense of shared sacrifice.