shipping efficiencies and the RIAA’s cooked numbers

buckman’s magnatune blog: Record sales up, shows Soundscan, RIAA playing with stats?

Ton points out that the RIAA’s “sky is falling” argument is based on (surprise) an outmoded understanding of how modern retailing works.

Roger Goff, an Entertainment lawyer in Los Angeles confirms that, indeed, retail has reacted this way in the Post-Napster era. “Retail used to buy 10 weeks-worth [of records] and now they realize, in most cases, they don’t have to carry more than two weeks-worth.” In other words, retail has adapted to more of an “on demand” model (similar to the Internet) as opposed to the, accepting-tons-of-product-shoved-down-the-pipeline model record companies imposed on them in the past.

Failure to adapt is what leads to extinction, from my understanding of science. Is there a more obvious display?