ad targeting

I am fooling around with my Google AdSense ads to see if there’s any hope for this as a way of defraying the costs of this website. I have hoped it would at least cover the cable bill but at less than 5o cents a day, it’s not even close.

On the other hand:
Nicest of the Damned: Nick Denton: “No one’s going to get rich off blogging”:

I’ve been making enough money off roughly 1,000 page views a day to more than cover a car payment

I must be doing something wrong (too many PSAs, I expect).

One thing I have noticed is how the targeting brings up the damnedest things: I regularly see things from the Republican National Committee or other like-minded groups. Is it just bad targeting or is this site so bad, it may drive people to the other side in horror or disgust?
