more on the creative class diaspora

All are equal before God. On Earth….
Wages of hate – anti-gay attitudes damage the economy – conversely, Gay-tolerant societies prosper. Will GOP anti-elitism and the US religious right make the U.S. a 3rd world country? Paul Craig Roberts argues that we’re on the fast track, and a Carnegie Mellon study (title link) shows that culturally repressive attitudes in America are driving away the "Creative" class. Virginia Postrel defines this class differently (manicurists and stone cutters) but in Richard Florida’s "Creative Class War" (recently on Metafilter), "America is no long attracting creative workers from abroad because it is seen as an intolerant society". More than artists and programmers are shunning the US – scientists are staying away too. In the US, meanwhile, a bifurcation – Americans are geographically self-segregating, choosing to live with those who hold similar beliefs and values. []