housecleaning, weblog edition

These terribly slow posting times for new posts and comments have been bugging me long enough. The first tip I read was to remove all your plugins. Well, I don’t use many, so I decommissioned the WayPath related content plugin to see if that helped and it cut the time in half. Hmm, needs work.

I also found a plugin that optimizes the HTML and lightens the page load. The docs are at the site: I’m just using a very basic configuration. This line goes before the opening <html> tag and the magic happens when you rebuild your pages.

<MTOptimizeHTML lowercasetags="1" emptytags="b i span center" comments='1" entities="1">

I’ve also enabled related entry display on individual entry pages, thank to the information I gleaned from here.

So the pages should load faster and display more meaningful stuff (assuming you find any of this meaningful).

[Posted with ecto]