time to plot my exit trajectory

well, not too long after realizing this job was limited in its upward mobility, I learned today that it’s stability is scarce as well. ah, the joy of working with law school faculty: they’ve consulted the University’s collective bargaining agreement to find out the procedure for removing a tenured (ie, past the probationary period) employee. It’s a very well structured series of “counseling” regimes, from informal to direct, with direct being very closely monitored performance (something akin to time and motion studies, I suppose).

Since this isn’t what I’d call my life’s work and since this has been a uncomfortable fit from the beginning, getting into something else before the completion of the process makes the most sense. I have no illusions about the outcome, and when I consider what the reward would be for completing the process — staying in this position — I’d like to see the second prize.