that’s not a bug, you’re a Luddite


This is a snapsnot of what we (Microsoft and everyone else in the software industry) should be focused on. We get too wrapped up in self-importance many times. In the end, it is about one thing… Making Bob (#define for our customers) happy. Not super cool features that can do X,Y, & Z, but just making Bob successful so he can go home and enjoy his family without worrying all night long…

Doug’s a smart guy, and I don’t doubt his sincerity, but for his vision to become reality would take some huge changes at the Big House.

Granted this is an old quote, but still: when the Boss says “The new version – it’s not there to fix bugs. That’s not the reason we come up with a new version,” what does that suggest *he* thinks is important? Chrome or stability? Reliability or security?

To be fair, marketing fewer bugs or greater stability would be harder than selling new features, and I suppose that’s why no one does it. Airlines don’t advertise their safety records or cite their competitors’ records, either: it’s not done.

But perhaps this is perhaps the most pernicious aspect of MSFT’s heft in the marketplace: if you’re really good, where else is there to work?