a web of knowledge

University Week – Vol. 20, No. 21 – Workers seek information from people they already know, study shows

The study by UW Information School professor Raya Fidel and assistant professor Maurice Green will be published in the journal Information Processing and Management.

“The human side of information-seeking is so important,” Fidel said. “This shows that companies would benefit from encouraging richer social connections.”

That could mean offering free cafeteria lunches once a week, or installing small kitchens where employees can “bump into” colleagues. Support meetings for people who do similar jobs, known as a “community of practice,” also can expand connections, the researchers said.

“But richer social connections do not result from management dictates — that doesn’t work,” Green said. “Provide a variety of incentives to the rank and file in order to encourage and support them as they make those connections.”

Another idea I had hoped to put some effort behind in my job, but it’s a difficult venue. Architecturally, there’s too much segmentation/stratification, and culturally, it’s like no place I’ve ever worked.

I think the ideas put forth here make a lot of sense. They have worked in other workplaces.