isn’t this the muy borracho theory in a nutshell?

remembering rebecca: 03.03

Other words I’m hearing over and over again: an attack ‘unlike any other in history’, ‘shock, surprise, flexibility,’ and munitions on a ‘scale never before seen.’ From this, I gather that the United States hopes this war will serve as a cautionary tale to any other country — or group of terrorists — who might consider attacking the US. This war is intended, among other things, as a demonstration of our power. We are in Iraq to illustrate, in no uncertain terms, that no one can prevail against us. Will this cow the terrorists? Personally, I don’t think so. But apparently the Bush administration thinks it’s worth a try.

I’m surprised Rebecca isn’t making the connection between “shock and awe/a war unlike any other” and the muy borracho theory. It seems to be getting a lot of play.