meme alert

Senators Introduce Wireless Broadband Bill

The goal of the Jumpstart Broadband Act is to create an environment that embraces innovation and encourages the adoption of next-generation wireless broadband Internet devices,” Allen said in introducing the bill to the Senate. “Most importantly, our legislation will build confidence among consumers, investors and innovators in the telecommunications and technology industries to eventually make the broadband dream a reality.”

Allen said the “if you build it, they will come” business model has not materialized for the telecommunications industry and is one of the reasons for the current telecom recession, adding that “fanciful expectations like these have left this country with Internet bandwidth capacities that no levels of demand can sustain.”

Another citation of “if you build it . . . . ”

I found this this link at which was passed my way by Wade.

This is an interesting collection of how-tos and activism that I think I buy into. I’m still less impressed with 100 Mbits to my house than 10 Mbits to my laptop. Some good information here on 802.11a and 802.11g (hereafter known as 11a and 11g).

According to a piece at AirShare, 11g is the logical extension of 11b, since it’s backward compatible with 11b where 11a is not.

” . . . . . 802.11a is now relegated to niche status for particular purposes, such as dense installations in corporations, server room backup links, or high-speed point-to-point bridges.”

So you’ll see b/g in the coffeeshop and a in the workplace, perhaps. It escapes me why anyone would connect non-portable gear with wireless, like datacenter equipment.