learning more about FreeBSD

quotidian: FreeBSD on a laptop I did get sound working today (6/19) by rebuilding with the pcm and csa devices enabled. To use xmms and KDE I needed to build and install the xmms-arts plugin.

Well, as it turned out I spoke too soon there. And I did things exactly wrong as well. Ever since I got sound to work, I found it was only good until I suspended my laptop: after it resumed, the driver wouldn’t work. It turns out I should have kept the driver as a module and used kldload(8) and kldunload(8) to manage this. I got some help from orion at FreeBSD dot org on this today. I should have realized this was the problem: I remember the same thing happening with the ethernet device driver when I ran Linux on this laptop. After a suspend/resume, networking wouldn’t work for the same reason. The module would never reload since it had never been unloaded. D’oh.

I have updated the kernel config file to reflect these changes and when I figure out how to load and unload the module (it’s something in apmd‘s configuration, I think), I’ll post something about that.