POLA violation?

since I upgraded the snmp daemon on one of my boxes a few days ago as part of a portupgrade run, snmpd hasn’t been running. It seems someone “improved” the rc script for snmpd to check in /etc/rc.conf for snmpd to be enabled.

case “$1” in
case “${net_snmpd_enable}” in
echo -n ‘ snmpd starting’
${net_snmpd_program:-${PREFIX}/sbin/snmpd} ${net_snmpd_flags}


Turns out, the maintainer mentions this in pkg-message, but I’m not likely to see that when I upgrade a bunch of ports: perhaps some kind of email or logfile would be useful for changes like this.

<UPDATE> The maintainer suggested I look for “heads up” messages in the logfile, which makes sense except for the fact there isn’t one unless you specify it. So one more step to the process: export DATE=`date “+%m-%d-%Y”` && portupgrade -aP -l /var/tmp/portupgrade.log.$DATE