there are no “do overs” in combat

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Wake-up call

It was at this point that the generals and admirals monitoring the war game called time out.

“A phrase I heard over and over was: ‘That would never have happened,'” Van Riper recalls. “And I said: nobody would have thought that anyone would fly an airliner into the World Trade Centre… but nobody seemed interested.”

I agree with the idea that a knockout blow in the 1st day of a 14 day exercise doesn’t mean everyone goes home, but scripting and meddling with the opponent’s chain of command tells me you don’t think you can win any other way.

Being exposed to and possibly trounced by unorthodox tactics is exactly what we should expect in these exercises. The USS Cole, the WTC were both unorthodox, and successful: I don’t suggest we use suicide pilots but we should expect others to and we should have a defense against that.

<from Rebecca’a Pocket>