saving the family farm

Rate Information

Some facts you might find useful:

* A ccf is100 cubic feet of water. There are 748 gallons in a ccf.
* Typical water usage for a household is 7 ccf per month
* Typical sewer usage for a household is 6 ccf per month

The City of Seattle claims I used 300 gallons a day for the most recent period, or 26 ccf (almost 4 times their cited typical usage). The treasurer has been mumbling about profligate water use in the agricultural efforts here, but this news is much worse than I had suspected.

Of course, the city doesn’t actually *read* the meter, instead relying on estimates and SWAGs1. So I took the liberty of making a note of the number this afternoon and will see how much it actually moves. 300 gallons a day seems excessive to me, but if it’s true, perhaps I need a well.

1 SWAG: scientific wild-ass guess