broken mrtg output

I just discovered that my network and host monitoring graphs have been logging no new data for the past week. When mrtg fails to pull new data, it logs the current datapoint with the prior value, so you get a flatline. For some reason, I wasn’t getting that (I would have noticed it). The root cause seems to have been all the perl libraries that mrtg installs and depends on were gone. Dunno why. I reinstalled mrtg and all seems well.

MRTG Index Page

As you can see the log data never changes as of 1027812400 or last Saturday afternoon.

[/www/mrtg]# perl -e ‘print scalar localtime(1027805400), “\n”‘
Sat Jul 27 14:30:00 2002

[/www/mrtg]# grep -A 4 -B 4 1027805400 blue_1.log
1027812600 22465 1513 22465 1513
1027810800 22465 1513 22465 1513
1027809000 22465 1513 22465 1513
1027807200 22465 1513 22465 1513
1027805400 9556 2210 22465 2530
1027803600 21676 2477 88576 4254
1027801800 16477 2608 53202 3785
1027800000 7151 2375 14400 2892
1027798200 5547 2109 17667 2663