today’s pet peeve

I just rode my bike to run some errands: to the library to exchange some books, to the grocery for supplies for the school, and to the bank. Not far, 2 ½ miles tops.

Last errand of the trip, I roll up to the ATM, do my business, and as I’m mounting the bike, a guy drives up with his A/C on, gets out of the car with the engine still running and the A/C still blowing, to do his banking.

I’m not riding to save the earth or anything, just to get some exercise, but that still annoys me. I never did that in Atlanta, after all, and it’s a damn sight hotter there than it ever gets here. They have hotter nights than we have summer days.

It’s not the first time I’ve seen it, but the fact I was on the bike made it just a little more galling.