i’ve been syndicated

Syndic8.com – Welcome!

Welcome to Syndic8.com. This is the place to come to find syndicated news feeds on a wide variety of topics. There is a lot here; be sure to explore all of the tabs at the top of the page. Here’s what we have:

* A community-driven effort to gather syndicated news headlines…
* A readable master list of syndicated news content…
* An XML list of syndicated news content…
* Quality of server measurement of all feeds, with statistics and history…
* Complete statistics on every aspect of the site’s content…

* Reviews and pointers to syndicated tools and sites…
* A very complete set of XML-RPC services…
* A plan to evangelize sites to syndicate their content…
* A categorization system which uses existing schemes such as DMOZ
* Articles and tutorials on syndication…

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