Watching the Alpha Geeks

O’Reilly Network: Tim O’Reilly’s WWDC Keynote Manuscript [May. 16, 2002]

This is how we get most of our good ideas at O’Reilly. We look for people who appear to be doing magic, and ask them how they do it. (Remember Arthur C. Clarke’s dictum: “Any sufficiently advanced technology appears to be magic.”) There are always people in any field who are the most clued in to the deep trends, who seem to be playing with all the coolest stuff, and seem to have their finger in everything before most people even know about it.

Tim O’Reilly thinks OS X is epitomizes the convergence of the open source ethos and real-world pragmatism: see his definition of “guilt-free computing.”

I can’t help but agree. It’s just easier to get things done in OS X.