literature for the younger set

Freddy the Pig’s Home Pen…uh, Page!

WIth young kids around, I have been reading *lots* of kids books, more than I read when I was a kid.

So far, my son and heir and I have read:

The first 14 Wizard of Oz books (there are 40 total: we’ve seen enough).
All the Moomin Valley stories but one, and I have it in hand.
The Hobbit.
Treasure Island
All the Pooh stories — many times — and most of the poems
Alice’s adventures in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass
Various and sundry board books and Dr Seuss stories.

And now we have made the acquaintance of Freddy and his friends. I had never heard of these, but having read the first (of 26!), they’re going to be good.

Freddy’s creator also gets the credit for Mr Ed of TV fame.

The Moomin stories are also very good: I wish there were more of them, but they do stand up to repeated reading.

It’s interesting how many of these stand the test of time and at the same time to think of what books that seem full of life today will be period pieces in years to come.

I recommend the Moomin stories and Freddy without hesitation: I will also be starting the “Swallows and Amazons” stories by Arthur Ransome in a week or so (20+ volumes of those, as well).