the nanny state

I kid.

I think Seattle is doing a good thing making life jackets and bike helmets available at a low cost to area residents. I got my first ever life jacket today. The next one will equal the number of boats I have owned.

There are good reasons to get one here that would not have applied in Florida where I did my youthful sailing and boating. One, the water is much colder here, so hypothermia is a risk year-round. Two, currents and tides are more of a factor than in the places I’ve lived before. Both these factors point to being able to stay afloat longer without getting tired as a way to boost your chance of survival. A third reason is to set a good example for my young aquatic enthusiasts.

Just as I would never ride without a helmet, I won’t push off from shore without a PFD of some kind. Better to have my own than find myself needing one and not having access to one.

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