Time for Presidents Roosevelt and Truman to put an end to the Japanese threat? 1361 days.
Days since 9/11/2001? 2128
echo “2128 – 1361” | bc -l
767 days. 2 years, 37 days. 109 weeks and 4 days.
A child born on 9/11/2001 would be entering school this fall. A college freshman from that September would have graduated and completed more than a year at their first job.
And all the Worst President Ever has to show for that time is 3,500 American dead, 15,000 wounded and disabled, and a re-constituted threat from the same enemy.
Can Jan 20, 2009, come soon enough?
October 27, 1947–The Real Day of Infamy?:
Imagine it is October 27, 1947. Why October 27, 1947? Because that date is 2128 days from December 7, 1941 and the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. So what? Today, 12 July 2007, marks 2128 days since Al Qaeda attacked us on 11 September 2001.
Can we envision President Harry Truman holding a press conference to discuss trumpet the progress in the war against Japan while the leaders of Japan remained untouched?
Al Qaeda does not have . . . .
an armada of battleships and aircraft carriers. Al Qaeda does not have an air force of crack fighters. And Al Qaeda has not killed hundreds of thousands of Americans.The truth is we conflate Al Qaeda with Islamic extremists in general. We talk about Al Qaeda as if it is a hierarchical international corporation, with groups regularly signing up as “new” members. We act as if they issue identity cards to their members. Sort of like AARP or the Sierra Club, only lethal.
Just read the whole thing.