In any American court, the fellow shown below shaking hands with the condemned would have been deposed, even called as a witness. I wonder how much Saddam’s murderous regime was enabled or strengthened by his erstwhile allies.
Some Call it Justice:
Saddam Hussein will hang within 30 days for his crimes against the people of Iraq. He has been found guilty, and rightly so.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend, as the adage goes. So Saddam the tyrant — he was no different in 1983 than in 1993 or 2003 — was courted as a bulwark against Iran. How the mullahs in Iran have enjoyed the efforts of the Great Satan to remove Saddam from their path, to strengthen the hand of Shi’ites in what’s left of Iraq, and inflame the jihadis.
Heckuva job, guys.