[/Users/paul]:: fink info samba
Reading package info…
Information about 1457 packages read in 181 seconds.
pkg samba version ###
pkg samba version 2.2.5-1
samba-2.2.5-1: SMB and CIFS client and server for UNIX
Usage Notes:
Samba settings are set in the configuration file ‘smb.conf’. A sample
file called ‘smb.conf.default’ is installed in yourfinkdirectory/etc/samba.
Also refer to the documentation installed in yourfinkdirectory/share/doc/
samba and yourfinkdirectory/share/samba/examples.
To create a startup item that starts samba after reboot just run as root
“daemonic enable samba”. To remove the samba startup item just run as root
“daemonic remove samba”.
For a set of quickstart instructions for setting up Samba under OSX
checkout /movabletype/archives/000249.html#000249
thanks to Paul Beard.
Web site: http://www.samba.org
Maintainer: Matt Stephenson
I wonder if I shouldn’t find a more permanent place for that stuff. I haven’t yet figured out why Apple’s installation doesn’t work. I suspect it has a lot to do with the fact there is an entry for SMBSERVER in /etc/hostconfig but no matching StartUpItems bundle. How did that slip through the cracks?