Add variety meats to your culinary repertoire:
Looking to add more variety meats to your culinary repertoire? Here’s a list of books dedicated to offal. I was thinking about this the other day as I read a recipe for tripe that sounded good. But then I thought, Do I really want the first tripe I ever eat to be prepared by me? Seems like something I should leave to an experienced offal chef, so as to ensure a not awful experience.
Reluctantly categorized under “food.”
Actually, I am of two minds about this. On the one hand, who wants to eat the intestinal lining of anything, no matter how compassionately raised? But on the other, if you’re OK with foods from slaughterhouses, you oughta eat the whole damn thing. You shouldn’t be cherry-picking the good cuts and passing on the rest. I figure the whole thing, from sweetbreads to oxtail, should be eaten.