PUSCHITZ.COM generates a large number of “hits” from people interested in Oracle on Linux and Linux Security.
The total page views on puschitz.com are around 1,300,000 page views per year.
Well, I did somewhat better than that last year, though in all honesty, I suspect a lot of those are mechanized, ie bots and spiders.
[/usr/home/paul]:: gzip -cd httpd-access.log*2005*gz | wc -l
Though there are no images or css cruft in there: it’s just pages. Just for January 2006, I am at 288k pages.
Even if his approach were working (all I see are Google ads, so I surmise not so well), I can’t claim much of a specialty or focus. Check out the queries that brought people here in the past 30 days. That was a factor in my giving up on Google ads: I make a bad target. Some people are able to make a little — or a lot — from Google’s AdSense.
Not sure what to make of the fact that my name is the most used query term . . . . I suspect they’re looking for the other guy, the one who makes guitars.